Well today is Isis' first day of school. She is very excited and a little impatient to get started this morning. She starts at 9:45 and goes until 12:15. She keeps asking me about every ten minutes if it is time to go. Here are some pictures of her new Tinkerbell shirt and short set and her new light up white tennies:
Here is a picture of her new "packpack" as she calls it. As you can see we need to work on her smile, she just tries to hard to smile big and pretty:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Isis' First Day of School
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 8:12 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mike's First Day of School
Well today is Michael's first day of 8th grade. He goes to school from 8:15 until 3:00. It is an hour earlier then last year but I think he will like having an extra hour in the afternoon versus in the morning.
Here is how he spent some of his last day of summer:
Here are a couple of pictures of him this morning before heading out:
Some might say this is the same picture, but look closely his clothes have changed. Doesn't he look so excited to be going to school.I got a little smile out of him and here are his new shoes.
He got them because he is a Philadelphia Eagles fan so he wanted some green shoes.
He is finally getting interested in Football, so this season we are going to have fun because he is an Eagles fan and I am a Cowboys fan, so we keep giving each other a hard time. Our two teams play in the same division and will play each other twice this year.
I will have another update for you tomorrow because Isis starts tomorrow,
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
California Trip
Well we just got back from California this afternoon. We had a great time. Saturday, we went to the beach. Michael did really well with his first time body surfing. The water was really cold but we got used to it. Of course it was overcast. Isis got her feet wet but mainly played in the sand. Sunday was a lazy day, went to breakfast, went and saw the new Mummy movie (very disappointed in the movie), and had a BBQ. We left about 6 am this morning. We made a stop at the Dino Museum in Cabazon, but we were to early and didn't want to wait for 90 mins for it to open. We will try and make it when it's open next time. We made another stop at the Patton Museum in Chiriaco Summit. I will be posting slide shows for all to see. This picture sums up the weekend.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Big Bear
Well I had time to make one quick slide show before we head off to California to see Steven & Christina and play on the beach. These pictures are from when we went to California for our last Disneyland trip. Before we headed home we spent a day and a half in Big Bear with Dad and Mo. The kids had a great time riding Tank. Michael did really well for a first timer. He went for a nice gallop a couple of times.
I will post some beach pictures when we get back. We are leaving this afternoon and will be back on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 10:23 AM 1 comments