Well Michael had a dentist appointment today for his braces and it looks like he is getting close to getting them off. We have to make an appointment in about 4 weeks for a consult and if everything goes as planned the following appointment, I am assuming 4-6 weeks after the consult, he will be getting his braces off.
The next photo update will be sometime after this coming weekend. We are going to see Steven and Christina. We are going to go play on the beach. I will be taking some pictures and will post them after we get home.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Next Update
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Email Notification for John's blog
I made some changes, hopefully the email notification system is working now. I also moved the slide show and made it a little bigger and hopefully easier to see. You can click one of the pictures in the slide show and it will take you to a seperate website so you can see the pictures a little better.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Slide Show & Email Notices
Well I have been tinkering with this a little, hopefully it is working right. I set up a slide show at the bottom of the page. The first slide show is pictures from my graduation. I have, fingers crossed, set up an email alert that will send an email out when I post an update. Got to gather a few more email addresses to complete this process. If these two things are working, then I will post some more slide shows and you all will know when I have posted something new.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
All of Us
Well here is a picture of all of us. This picture is a little old. We took it the last time we went to California. It has been about a year. We went to Disneyland and this picture was taken at Goofy's Kitchen. We had breakfast there and several of the characters came to our table, posed for pictures, and signed the kids autograph books.
The second picture is of the kids cooling off in the water area of California Adventures. We had a great time, we spent two days at the park.
I will take some more updated pictures of us when I can and update soon.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Isis Jade
Isis has also been enjoying her summer break. We had her in a half day, three day a week preschool through a local Christian church. She really enjoys learning and is already wanting to go back to school. She will be attending Dysart preschool this year. We had to wait until she was 4 to get her in. The school actually serves two purposes, its main focus is helping developmentally challenged preschoolers. They also have students who serve as mentors to the others. Isis will be a mentor. Not only will she continue to learn but she will also be helping others. Isis has also tried tap and ballet dancing, ice skating, and gymnastics. She was to busy looking at herself in the mirror during dance lessons, so she really didn't take to dance. She tried ice skating once and it was just toooo cold for her. She has been having fun with gymnastics. We currently have her in a gymnastics class through our local gym. We are going to wait until she gets a little older before we put her into more organized activities since she still gets bored easily. Here is a couple of pictures of Isis at her end of school play.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Michael On Summer Break
Well Michael is enjoying what's left of his summer break. He will be turning 14 this Sept and will be entering the 8th grade. It will be his second and last year at Western Peaks. He has certainly grown since some of you have seen him last. He is taller than his mother and it will not be much longer before he passes me, I might have maybe an inch on him. He is talking about trying out for the school's soccer team this year. Just before summer, he was participating in some introduction to track and field through the city of Surprise. He has not found his calling yet but we will keep encouraging him to try different sports and activities until he finds the one. We have been dragging him to the gym and he has started working out with us, so hopefully that will give him a boost when it comes to school tryouts should he decide to give them a shot. He has a couple of months left, fingers crossed, until he has his braces taken off. He actually looks really good with them on but he will not show them to you unless he doesn't realize that he is smiling.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 4:58 PM 0 comments
First Attempt at Blogging
Well I was trying to figure out a way to post pictures so that family could see the kids without having to download them via email. I thought about doing a blog for awhile and so here we are. I received a request the other day for some pictures, so I decided try this. Not sure how often I will update this but I will try to update it so that those of you who are afraid of melting in the "dry heat" of Arizona can keep tabs on the kids.
Posted by FranksFamilyAZ at 4:48 PM 0 comments