Monday, July 21, 2008

Isis Jade

Isis has also been enjoying her summer break. We had her in a half day, three day a week preschool through a local Christian church. She really enjoys learning and is already wanting to go back to school. She will be attending Dysart preschool this year. We had to wait until she was 4 to get her in. The school actually serves two purposes, its main focus is helping developmentally challenged preschoolers. They also have students who serve as mentors to the others. Isis will be a mentor. Not only will she continue to learn but she will also be helping others. Isis has also tried tap and ballet dancing, ice skating, and gymnastics. She was to busy looking at herself in the mirror during dance lessons, so she really didn't take to dance. She tried ice skating once and it was just toooo cold for her. She has been having fun with gymnastics. We currently have her in a gymnastics class through our local gym. We are going to wait until she gets a little older before we put her into more organized activities since she still gets bored easily. Here is a couple of pictures of Isis at her end of school play.